Promotional Email Sample for a Book Launch

How to Shred That Unwanted Weight and Keep It Off.... For Good

Have you ever found yourself putting in hours at the gym? Or depriving yourself of your favorite foods to lose weight?  Putting in maximum effort only to end up back where you started?

Let's face it- the amount of effort it takes to lose a few pounds is frustrating.  Even more so when you give yourself that one “cheat” day and somehow you’re back at square one.  “The process of losing weight is so much fun!” — said no one ever....

Well, except for Brittany.

But losing weight and creating a healthy lifestyle wasn’t always so enjoyable for her. After years of countless diets and exercise programs, Brittany reached her breaking point. She was determined and finally found a lasting solution to losing weight. And not only did she keep the pounds off, but she was able to improve her life all around.

Brittany can’t remember the last time she felt this good. No, not good— GREAT!


And guess what? NO pain. NO starvation. NO deprivation.  NO endless hours working out. None of those painful things were necessary.  Hard to believe, right?


That's why Brittany wants to share her life-altering secret with you. So that you can put an end to your struggle....right now.

Don't waste another year, another month, another week, or even another day of your life being unhappy with your body.

Pick up her book How to Lose The Weight Forever— and Have Fun During the Process!


Discover everything you need to know about losing weight. 

Brittany achieved the body she dreamed of, and so can YOU.

*This was written solely for sample purposes - If you have a book, an eBook, or a product- this gives you an idea of what I’ll create for you.


Landing Page Sample for Fitness Brand